Tool: Magnetic Straightedge Shop Now Manufacturer: Lee Valley MSRP: $7.50 Don’t have a drafting table? Can’t draw freehand to save your life? Here’s a tool from Lee Valley that lets you [...]
Tool: Mortise Chisels Shop Now Manufacturer: Veritas MSRP: $76.50+ The Veritas (Lee Valley) mortise chisels are awesome in every sense of the word. They’re big, heavy and can plow through a [...]
Chisels don’t wait to get dull until you’ve finished a job—do they? The trick is to keep them sharp while you’re working. Rather than pull out my stones to renew an edge, I keep a piece of MDF [...]
Tool: Glue Pot & Tabletop Warmer Shop Now Manufacturer: Powermatic MSRP: $39.50 This stainless steel replica of a late 19th-century double-boiler cast iron glue pot from Landers, Frary [...]
Tool: Detail Rabbet Plane Shop Now Manufacturer: Veritas MSRP: $72.50 Years ago, I bought my first rabbet plane, a Clifton 410, to get me out of a jam. My bread and butter work was [...]
Editor’s note: Special thanks to reader Bob L, who pointed out that putting a rare earth magnet that close to a moving saw blade can have catastrophic consequences. If you choose to use [...]
Tool: Small Double Square Shop Now Manufacturer: Lee Valley MSRP: $49.50 A diemakers’ square with a narrow blade is an excellent tool for determining minute problems with your joinery, [...]
Tool: Nx60 Shop Now and DX60 Shop Now Manufacturer: Lee Valley MSRP: $209+ These low-angle block planes from Lee Valley are beautiful marriages of fine art and sound engineering. [...]
Tool: Knife Hinges Shop Now Manufacturer: Lee Valley MSRP: $24.90+ The first time I installed knife hinges I did so with an inexpensive pair, thinking it would be a good way to learn [...]
Tool: Magnetic-Mount LED Work Light Shop Now Manufacturer: Lee Valley MSRP: $36.50 I have a perfectly good light for my workbench, on an attachment that slips into the dog holes. And, [...]
Modern hand planes continue to be popular, and this low-angle block plane excels at trimming tenons, rabbets, and end grain. Tool: Skew Block Plane Buy Now Manufacturer: Veritas MSRP: $229 [...]
Tool: Carcas Saw Buy Now Manufacturer: Veritas MSRP: $89+ Unplug the machines, relax and get ready for a good time with one of the oldest woodworking tools around: the handsaw. It’s [...]