Backyard Sawmills

Backyard Sawmills We all love wood, whether it’s a wide clear board or a gnarly slab with wild grain. That’s why sawing our own lumber crosses the minds of most woodworkers. It might [...]

Tips for Mastering Featherboards

Tips for Mastering Featherboards Featherboards are like having an extra set of hands in the shop, going where no fingers ever should. By Jock and Susan Holmen The featherboard gets its name from [...]

Stunt Man

My Sister in law Sally wanted to do something, to help her Mother who is suffering with Parkinson’s disease. Sally is a Broadway singer, actress, and despite her athletic family, not a [...]

Heavy Lathe with Extra Capacity

So here's a dilemma: Mini lathes are designed to be portable, but when you get where you're going, it's nice to have some weight in the machine. At 106 pounds (more than a sheet of [...]

Miter Saw Dust Shroud

Miter saws are a great convenience, but they spread sawdust like a sprinkler spreads water. The new Downdrafter shroud from Rousseau, $200, combined with a dust collector, acts like a parachute [...]

Electronic Age Hits Miter Saws

Lasers have proven to be a wonderful way to add safety and accuracy to miter saws. Now Hitachi has taken ease-of-use to a new level by adding both a laser and a digital readout to its C12LCH [...]

Carbide Insert Flush-Trim Bit

I use a flush-trim bit a lot, particularly for trimming face frames to cabinet sides and parts flush with templates. Unfortunately, after a few sharpenings, it's not a flush-trim bit any [...]

Remote-Control Dust Collection

      Do you turn on your dust collector every time you should? “I'm only making one cut,” you say. But how many times in a day do you make “only one [...]

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