Bed Build: Complete & Installed

In my last Bed Build entry (click here to read), I had finished construction and many of you expressed an interest in how I planned to finish the piece. Around the Popular Woodworking office, [...]

Folding Rules That Read from the Right

My grandfather’s folding rule reads from right to left, while my tape measure reads from left to right. I never thought much about it, though I always did like using my folding rule when [...]

Upcoming PW Book: Made by Hand

March 23, 2009 , Almost a year to the day that I was first approached about writing a book on building furniture using hand tools, Made By Hand, Furniture Projects from the Unplugged Woodshop has [...]

Day 2 at Kelly Mehler's School

We looked at 18th c joinery at Kelly’s shop for day 2 for our examination of 18th c cabinetmaking tools and techniques. We started the day with an off the top of my head rant/furniture [...]

Candle Holders

Here are a couple of candle holders that were made from some old oak boards that were almost used for firewood. …

Jigsaw Innovation: Design at its Best

I had the chance to read about Milwaukee’s new jigsaw a week or so back. In doing so, what caught my attention is how the base or shoe is adjusted. This new feature is, on its own, the [...]

Spring 2009 Issue Arriving in Mailboxes

After much tribulation, the Spring 2009 issue of Woodworking Magazine is in the mail stream and arriving in homes in the Midwest this week. Depending on the speed and reliability of your local [...]

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