Sam Maloof’s Sculpted-base Table

One of the earliest projects featured in Pacific Woodworker (the forebear to Popular Woodworking) was a table built by the legendary woodworker Sam Maloof. Here, you'll find [...]

Sam Maloof, woodworker

Maloof rocker, courtesy of Wikipedia As I am sure you know, our community is marking the passing of Sam Maloof. We are lesser for the loss of this iconic woodworker. A gifted furniture maker, and [...]

Stopped Dados by Hand

While I own an electric plunge router and all manner of bits and guides, I tend to cut my stopped dados using hand tools for a couple reasons. One: I’ve found that it doesn’t take [...]

Router Table Angled Dado Jig

  Milling angled dadoes, angled sliding dovetails and angled rabbets have always been a challenge. I use these joints when building ladder bookcases, louvers, railings and several decorative [...]

The Sole of an Old Machine

Instead of writing about the flatness of plane soles, perhaps I should talk about something less controversial, such as religion or politics. When purchasing a vintage plane, the flatness of the [...]

Tapping Not Whacking

Cincinnati is not a tourist destination like nearby Big Bone Lick, Ky., So when people come to visit our shop I try to accommodate all their requests so they consider their journey to [...]

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