Woodworking as a family hobby

  I have been an avid DIYer ever since I was knee high to a grasshopper. I was born and raised on a farm back in the days when every farm boy learned to become a Jack of all Trades …

Faces in the Face Grain

As a 4-year-old, the woods behind my grandparents’ house in Bronxville, N.Y., was both foreboding and magical to me. My grandfather would take me for walks there almost every day during the [...]

Grove Park Inn – Round Tabouret

This small table by Gustav Stickley is part of the Arts & Crafts furniture collection at the Grove Park Inn. The article includes a measured drawing of the piece and its history.

Safety Tips from A&M readers

I may be biased, but I think the folks who read and comment on the Arts & Mysteries blog are some of the smartest folks on the internet. I read and enjoy their many different views here and [...]

Not a Cat Wrangler After All

So this was supposed to be an at least vaguely amusing post about Woodworker’s Safety Week. You see, Kari Hultman (a.k.a. The Village Carpenter), posted a funny blog entry in honor of [...]

Do You Collect, Or Not?

Conversation in the Popular Woodworking office this week centered on dust collection, or the lack thereof. It seems that I might be the odd man out due to my reluctance to attach a dust collector [...]


When you push a plane, you are exerting a force down, against the bench and forward against the stop. We build our workbenches to react these forces. But those forces don’t come from thin [...]

Driftwood Mirror

Made from driftwood picked up from beach on south coast of England mirror for any occasion   .  …

LVL: Getting Under My Skin

Today we glued up two chunks of what will become Managing Editor Megan Fitzpatrick’s workbench. For those of you just tuning in, I haven’t broken my vow of workbench chastity. The [...]

Edge Tool Safety

The number one rule about edge tool safety is: Always keep both hands behind the cutting edge of your tool. This rule is absolute, and if you follow it absolutely, you’ll absolutely never [...]

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