At the Lie-Nielsen event we had in our offices in May, I gave away hammers. A lot of hammers. (No, this isn’t the “making amends” portion of a 12-step program. Aw crap, I just [...]
Last week at this time I was in St. Charles, Ill., at the Woodworking in America Furniture Design and Construction conference. It was a busy time for me as I was giving presentations on both [...]
To celebrate International Workbench Day, I have a great photo (above) and some links to some interesting workbenches across the Atlantic. These links and photos were sent to me by Kim-Erik [...]
Matt Vanderlist, of Matt’s Basement Workshop and co-host of WoodTalk Online, just posted a new blog entry reviewing the DVD “Turning Basics for Furniture Makers“. For years, [...]
If you've got a favorite lamp that stops working (even though not all might agree on it's aesthetic value) fix it, don’t throw it away. Authors Jodi Marks and Steve Schultz show you the [...]
As someone who works in a shop every day with a bunch of bright and talented woodworkers, let me say that the craft is a lot more fun when you can compare notes, tease each other and work [...]
When I’m finishing a project, as in sanding the shellac, I’ll like a sanding sponge instead of straight sandpaper. A sponge provides less potential for those nasty ridges left by your [...]
While I was poking around the Blue Spruce Toolworks booth at Woodworking in America and trying to figure out how I could escape without spending money (and failing), something curious caught my [...]
A behind-the-scenes look at the making of the Book & DVD, "Fix It In A Flash", with Jodi Marks and Steve Schultz. Home repair doesn't have to be boring!
For woodworkers who don’t have a tail vise, wagon vise or other kind of end vise, the Veritas Wonder Dog has always been a great substitute. It drops into a round dog hole and allows you to [...]