No More Felines in the Walls

My wife, Lucy, is fearful that her four cats are going to get trapped inside the walls of our house. And it’s my job, as a woodworker, to prevent this from happening. Before you think I [...]

VIDEO – How Sandpaper Is Made

This past Spring we got to tour the factory of Ali Industries Inc., a sandpaper manufacturer in Fairborn, Ohio. This video shows you how Ali Industries makes sandpaper from start to finish.

LVL Workbench: What Was I Thinking?

I’ve been talking a lot about laminated veneer lumber (LVL), the raw material we used to build our latest workbench. But what I haven’t talked much about is why we chose this material [...]

Twin Kitchen Hutches #18

  I’m using my shopmade horizontal router table to mill the stub tenons on the rails. I choose to use this tool to mill the rails flat on the table top instead of working vertical [...]

AW Extra 5/16/13 – Showcase

Showcase View your treasures from every angle. By Luke Hartle Any collection you want to display, from fish fossils to Baccarat crystal will look great inside this cabinet. It allows unobstructed [...]

The Winner of Our Altoids Tool Contest

I was worried this would happen. Some of the entrants to our contest to build a tool from an Altoids tin built tools that actually worked. Sigh. Woodworkers are so practical. We’re also [...]

Two-Drawer Coffee Table

Two-Drawer Coffee Table Pass-through drawers offer two-sided convenience. By Tim Johnson A coffee table isn’t just for coffee. It displays interesting reading and serves the Saturday night pizza. [...]

Twin Kitchen Hutches #17

  Now that the cupboard casings are completed, the next step is making the doors. I have milled all the stiles and rails at the tablesaw.     I found a great way to sand the [...]


Hone an incredibly sharp edge with a $35 combo stone.   by Tom Caspar         For this woodworker, it doesn’t get any better than using a sharp hand tool. Not just [...]

A Garter for a Curvy Leg

Trying to explain a “vise garter” to someone using only words is impossible for me. I’ve tried. I’m not man enough to conquer the garter. The job of a vise garter is to [...]

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