Chairmaker Curtis Buchanan’s Videos

Last fall I attended a two hour presentation at Woodworking in America by Windsor chairmaker Curtis Buchanan. Without a doubt, it was my favorite class of the event. Curtis has a combination of [...]

Improvised Tools (Thanks Blue Tape!)

When I fly somewhere to teach, I usually have a luggage limit of about 50 pounds. Amongst my heaps of lacy underwear, I pack the tools I cannot live without – about 12 pounds worth. That means [...]

2013 Woodworking Classes

The best way to learn more about woodworking, besides the arduous path of hard knocks of which lessons are not soon forgotten, is to take woodworking classes at a dedicated school. I’ve [...]

Beware of Australians Bearing Softwoods

Among us old-school newspaper cronies, we have a saying: If your mother says she loves you, check it out. Meaning: Don’t believe a word anyone tells you. So when I arrived in Australia earlier [...]

LED Perfect for Workbench Light

Our shop has a lot of things in common with our readers’ shops, especially those who work in basements or abandoned coal mines. The overhead lighting leaves a lot to be desired. I’ve [...]

Q & A: How do you cut curves in glass?

Q & A: How do you cut curves in glass? Q: My up-and-coming star pitcher accidentally hurled her baseball through a glass pane in our family room hutch. Usually, I’d just get out my glass [...]

Chuck Brock & Highland Woodworker Web TV

Chuck Brock, host of The Highland Woodworker web TV show made to trip from sunny and warm Georgia to cold and snowing Cincinnati a few weeks ago, to film segments for upcoming episodes of the [...]

Beginning Woodworking: Splitting Logs

If I could teach a class on period woodworking and really control the syllabus, I would start in the woods and teach beginning woodworking. And while I doubt I could fill woodworking classes like [...]


I know, I know. The best thing to do when a blog post annoys me is to ignore it – after all, if I engage, I give the author credence and send more people to his or her site. Much …

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