Friday’s Tip for November 8th

Repairing Ripped Belts Sanding belts can rip at the worst possible moment – such as when you're out on a jobsite with no spares. When this happens I remove the belt, turn it inside out [...]

Woodworking: Learn Something New Every Day

One the greatest aspects of woodworking is that there are always new things to learn. When I began building furniture, I set my sights on a few complex projects which I figured I could build when [...]

Q & A: Is Polyurethane Food-Safe?

Is Polyurethane Food-Safe?   Q: I’m planning on finishing a set of wooden plates with polyurethane. Is this finish safe for food? A: According to finishing expert Bob Flexner, all [...]

A Clever (re)Discovery

I’m editing an article from Jeff Miller for the February issue, and, without giving too much away, it’s a simple setup for cutting perfect tenons on curved and angled workpieces (and it [...]

AW Extra 11/7/13 – Modular Desk System

Modular Desk System Mix-and-match components make a desk that fits your needs. By Bruce Kieffer This computer-desk system has more going for it than great looks. The system is based on modular [...]

Friday’s Tip for November 1st

Tablesaw Jig Clamp I added this hold-down to my tablesaw’s sliding cutoff jig and find it a great convenience, because the height of the clamp is easily changed. This clamp uses a standard [...]

The 10 F’s of Joinery

I like words as much as the next guy, but when I’m in the middle of a build – especially if it involves noisy power tools – I find that my brain doesn’t really process long articles or essays. I [...]

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