This intriguing utilitarian design is at home most anywhere. As a curious designer I often find myself frequenting estate sales, online auctions and even local antique stores in search of [...]
There’s no single surface in my shop that’s the ideal height for every job. With my adjustable-height sawhorses, I can quickly set up an outfeet table, drawing table, or assembly [...]
Hold and guide your work like never before with this fixture that will (finally) fix your drill press. There probably isn’t any machine more ignored in my shop than my drill press. Even [...]
Tool: Slab Flattening Mill Shop Now Manufacturer:Woodpeckers MSRP:$799.99 (Basic mill) $1099.99 (Extended mill) There’s no denying the popularity of live edge slab furniture (I’ve even seen [...]
Learn the nuts and bolts of making hardware new again. From the time I began collecting reclaimed wood I remember salvaging all kinds of hardware pieces. I like to dismantle hardware from found [...]
This jig makes it easy to set up the bit for routing flutes and dadoes. I simply drop the appropriate depth gauge into the channel, set my router on top and lower the bit until it touches the [...]
After building an I Can Do That: Tool Rack , I wanted to have my planes accessible on the rack as well. So here’s my solution. Cut two pieces of oak into 1⁄2” x 3⁄…
Using your hands to sketch can teach your eyes to really see. Most of us use our eyes to avoid bumping into things; we probably are only using 20 percent of our visual ability. I had a student [...]
Editor’s note: Special thanks to reader Bob L, who pointed out that putting a rare earth magnet that close to a moving saw blade can have catastrophic consequences. If you choose to use [...]
Dan’s wood of choice for the Torii table (read part one of the story here) was Paulownia, a fast-growing tree that is both soft and strong, and that has been part and parcel of the remarkable [...]
This well-machined workholding device is easy to assemble and is solid. Tool: Moxon Vise Kit Shop Now Manufacturer: Lake Erie Toolworks MSRP: $209 Sure, you can make your own double [...]