Woodworker's Safety Week

This is the second year for Woodworker’s Safety Week. Started last year by Wood Whisperer Marc Spagnulo, Woodworker’s Safety Week is one week dedicated to instruction, tips, and [...]

Mount Pleasant open house

The Philadelphia Museum of Art is hosting another open house at Mount Pleasant in Fairmount Park Philadelphia Sunday, April 26. I believe the event is free and parking will be available at the [...]

Chair, Hands fine

Of course yesterday’s blog post was an April Fool’s joke. Work continues on my chair. And recent cuts while demonstrating aside, I almost never cut myself. I think the worst injury I [...]

Chair Update

As you all know, I’m building a Chippendale chair in a series of articles for Popular Woodworking Magazine and I’ve been having some troubles with it. In the first article, I undercut [...]

Being Roy Underhill

 I cut myself twice during demos at Kelly Mehler’s (both times on the same finger).  I’m fairly clumsy, but I don’t cut myself often in my shop. I didn’t [...]

Day 2 at Kelly Mehler's School

We looked at 18th c joinery at Kelly’s shop for day 2 for our examination of 18th c cabinetmaking tools and techniques. We started the day with an off the top of my head rant/furniture [...]

YouTube Video

A fellow at the Philadelphia Furniture Workshop Open House video taped my demo and posted it to YouTube.com. It’s here I thought it was nice of him to ask permission to tape me and ask [...]

Hand Tool Safety no joke

I got a kick out of Mona Oster’s letter to the editor entitled “Saw Safety Ignored” (April PW #175). Thanks for the chuckle, Mona. Mona referenced this shot: Mona reminds us of [...]

If Chippendale had power tools…

“If Chippendale had power tools, he would have used them” is an addage I hear often.  I guess folks need to defend their use of power tools and this makes them feel better about their [...]

Philadelphia Furniture Workshop Video

Shannon at The Renaissance Woodworker blog taped some of my freak show at Alan Turner’s. He reported what I said there very carefully and very accurately (thanks Shannon). For those of you [...]

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