Harvesting Exotic Woods

This link is to an article titled “Guitar Frets:Environmental Enforcement Leaves Musicians in Fear” was published today in the Wall Street Journal. It was sent to me by Mel Hancock,  [...]

Golden Ratio, Revisited

Sometimes I need to be reminded that not everyone who reads our blogs are at the same level of woodworking experience, and that I should give explanations as if my readers were beginners. I [...]

Swing Hardware

I bought my kids some Ekorre hand rings from Ikea years ago. I installed them in a spare bedroom and put a mattress underneatht. It was winter so they had a ball swinging and playing on those [...]

Veneering on Course

Many of you may understand why Editor and Publisher Steve Shanesy is looking to the heavens before he begins a veneering glue up! As you can see, his panel has the glue on it and is ready to go. [...]

Penchant for Pendants

One of the benefits of working full time at the Rhode Island School of Design was that you and your family got to take classes in the Continuing Education Department for free. You only needed to [...]

JPEG Wars Gallery

I’ve been getting a bunch of nice images for the JPEG Wars that will be held as an extra, free event at Woodworking in America 2011. This piece is by James Raines. He built this bookcase [...]

Fire Pit Kindling

The shop smelled good this morning as I milled up some old pine floor boards. They were salvaged out of my house in Rhode Island. I pulled them up years ago in order to sister the floor joists. I [...]

Pink Panther Strikes Again

I’ve had a number of questions come in regarding a post I had a couple of weeks ago. I had mentioned that gluing together rigid pink insulation was an inexpensive way of making many [...]

Pay it Forward

Yesterday, after reading Christopher Schwarz’s blog entry about beginning an apprenticeship with his 10-year-old daughter, I was prompted to think about two things; the panel discussion [...]

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