From mastering hand tools to router basics, 18th-century joinery to Japanese hand tools and joinery, you’ll find it all among the five new DVD selections now available to order at [...]
If you were one of the 450 people at Woodworking in America 2011, then hopefully you were able to fit in one of Jay van Arsdale’s sessions on Japanese tools and joinery. But if not (or for [...]
Episode Guide for Season 20 of The Woodwright's Shop, the PBS woodworking show featuring Roy Underhill and brought back from the archives by Popular Woodworking.
Here’s a great gift idea, because everyone can get better at sharpening. Grind, Hone & Get Back to Work Learn how to grind straight & curved edges Hone perfect micro-bevels Pick the [...]
Portable productivity with a nod to steampunk style.
By Mag Ruffman
The glorious thing about being self-sufficient is that you can usually figure out ways to create what you [...]
Gustav Stickley and his furniture company were a complex and paradoxical lot. Stickley was a design icon, yet no drawings or work-notes in his hand seem to have survived (although the work of a [...]
Join the “Tricks of the Trade” Crowd Cash and Prizes for Your Tricks and Tips! We invite you to join this clever community and win cash and prizes in the process. Each issue of Popular [...]