Glen's Favorite 2010 Tool

The choice I made for my favorite tool may surprise many readers. Yes, I am the power-tool guy at Popular Woodworking Magazine, but I’ve passed on all the corded tools. My favorite 2010 [...]

Elmer's New Wood Glue Max

A news release dated November 22, 2010 from Elmer’s reads, “Elmer’s Revamps Hardware Line and Introduces Carpenter’s Wood Glue Max and Glue-all Max.” According to [...]

Tool Test: $90 HVLP Sprayer

Timing is everything. The press release that came into my mailbox stated, “Finish Woodworking Projects Like the Pros with New CommandMax® HVLP Sprayer” and the suggested price is $90. [...]

Get the Skinny on Spiral Cutterheads

With many manufacturers adding the option of spiral cutterheads to their jointers and planers – if you toss out the standard three-knife cutterhead and pull a few extra dollars out of your wallet [...]

Tool Test: Ridgid's R3100 Jigsaw

You have to admit that the design of the newest jigsaw from Ridgid is a bit unique. It is a barrel-grip jigsaw with an extreme flat front – as it sits on the bench, it reminds me of a small …

Wainscot & Panelling Set by Infinity

In the November issue (#186) of Popular Woodworking Magazine, I review a set of Wainscot & Paneling (#00-510) router bits from Infinity Cutting Tools. (Check out the set here.) The set does a [...]

Adding To My Library

Whenever I wander into a bookstore, be it online or in a bricks-and-mortar building, I immediately cruise to the period furniture books. It’s from books such as these, especially museum-type [...]

Unparalleled Accuracy In Layout

Saturdays, in my world, translate into a day in the shop working on any number of projects. Last Saturday was no different. I began building a dining table on Friday, and by Saturday, I was well [...]

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