A Silky-smooth Shellac Finish

Shellac is my finish of choice for furniture. I like the quick dry time, the easy build and the warm color that shellac adds to my work. However, along with these attributes, shellac has the [...]

'I Can Do That' Update

New Power Tool Added In June 2006, Popular Woodworking Magazine introduced a new column on how to make nice furniture with simple tools and common materials available at your local home center. 

Grizzly Goes White?

The saying is that a leopard doesn’t change its spots, but I guess it is possible for a bear to change its color. This week Grizzly Industrial Inc. will announce a new line of tools that [...]

Bosch’s Global Leadership Tour 2010

As we move into summer, many tool manufacturers have events where editor-types are brought in to look at new tools set for release during the year, or in some cases the tools might not reach [...]

WGBH & Tommy MacDonald: It's Official

Late last week Tommy MacDonald posted a tidbit about the new WGBH television show that he’s hosting, so technically things were official then. But we have more information about the show, [...]

Learn Techniques Through Demonstrations

Woodworkers are among the most visual people I know. Ask a woodworker a question and the first thing they do is grab a pencil and paper to begin drawing. I’ve learned that we wood folk can [...]

HVLP Spray Tip

I don’t know where I’d be if I hadn’t decided to finish using a high volume, low pressure (HVLP) system. (From a business perspective, I believe a quality HVLP setup is as [...]

Ogee Bracket Feet: A Third Option

As a presenter at woodworking schools, I enjoy teaching the methods I use when woodworking. For a recent class at the Marc Adams School of Woodworking, the subject was bracket feet, ogee bracket [...]

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