Great-fitting Guide Bar

If you find your shop-made jigs are a bit sloppy in the miter track as you work, you need to grab a hold of Micro Jigs new “Zero Play” Guide Bar System (this is the same company that [...]

Shaker Cupboard Sleuthing Part 2

You didn’t think you were done with your magnifying glass and sleuthing kits, did you? There is another mystery involving the White Water Shaker cupboard: Were there feet on this cupboard? [...]

Delta Unisaw Restoration Part II

It’s not every day that you remove the tabletop from your table saw and get a close-up view on the interior workings, so you’ll want to watch this second session of the Delta Unisaw [...]

Shaker Cupboard Sleuthing

Since our trip to the White Water Shaker Village, I’ve been anticipating the poplar cupboard build. The cupboard, out of the four pieces we studied, has the most need for a furniture [...]

Delta Unisaw Restoration

Sometimes being the “Back-up” pays dividends. Of the Popular Woodworking staff, I’m the back-up video guy. When it’s necessary, I’m called into action. This past [...]

More On Secret Drawers

Pssst. Over here. Have you read, “It’s a Secret”, the article by Chuck Bender in the November 2009 issue of Popular Woodworking magazine? Many woodworkers have, and they have [...]

What is the "Authentic" Period Finish?

Opinions are like noses, almost everyone has one (OK. I cleaned up the saying a little). Is that bad, or is that good? It’s sometimes bad because people hide behind the anonymity that the [...]

Worn-out Drill Exchange at Home Depot

There’s not much better than to give something with little value only to receive something useful in return. You have to admit that old, worn-out and non-working drills hanging around the [...]

More On Old-growth Mahogany

When I last wrote about this discovery of mahogany (read it here), I wrote that the price was not going to be $10 per board foot. I now have that information, sort of. But let me tell you …

Dado Nirvana

If you’re a “dado-holic”, or if you occasionally set up and cut dados while woodworking, Infinity Cutting Tools has just made your life easier with its Dado Measuring Gauge. [...]

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