If you find your shop-made jigs are a bit sloppy in the miter track as you work, you need to grab a hold of Micro Jigs new “Zero Play” Guide Bar System (this is the same company that [...]
You didn’t think you were done with your magnifying glass and sleuthing kits, did you? There is another mystery involving the White Water Shaker cupboard: Were there feet on this cupboard? [...]
It’s not every day that you remove the tabletop from your table saw and get a close-up view on the interior workings, so you’ll want to watch this second session of the Delta Unisaw [...]
This week we enjoyed a visit from Matthew Grisley of Leigh Industries. He came in from Canada to demonstrate the company’s newest jig, the Super FMT (frame-mortise-and-tenon jig). You [...]
Since our trip to the White Water Shaker Village, I’ve been anticipating the poplar cupboard build. The cupboard, out of the four pieces we studied, has the most need for a furniture [...]
Sometimes being the “Back-up” pays dividends. Of the Popular Woodworking staff, I’m the back-up video guy. When it’s necessary, I’m called into action. This past [...]
Pssst. Over here. Have you read, “It’s a Secret”, the article by Chuck Bender in the November 2009 issue of Popular Woodworking magazine? Many woodworkers have, and they have [...]
Opinions are like noses, almost everyone has one (OK. I cleaned up the saying a little). Is that bad, or is that good? It’s sometimes bad because people hide behind the anonymity that the [...]
There’s not much better than to give something with little value only to receive something useful in return. You have to admit that old, worn-out and non-working drills hanging around the [...]
When I last wrote about this discovery of mahogany (read it here), I wrote that the price was not going to be $10 per board foot. I now have that information, sort of. But let me tell you …
If you’re a “dado-holic”, or if you occasionally set up and cut dados while woodworking, Infinity Cutting Tools has just made your life easier with its Dado Measuring Gauge. [...]