Fresh Wood Competition at AWFS

I’m in Las Vegas right now at the AWFS show (Association of Woodworking and Furnishing Suppliers). As a furniture guy, I gravitate toward the Fresh Wood competition held every other year at [...]

Better Glue Application

For as long as I can remember, I’ve stood on my soapbox to urge woodworkers to use a toothbrush to spread glue when edge joining two pieces of lumber. A toothbrush is plenty wide enough to [...]

Being In The Right Place

Being in the right place at the right time has its rewards. I’ve worked at woodworking for two decades and I’ve never used anything with the name Yates or Colladay on it , until this [...]

Well, it is Called 'Compass Inlay'

I’m near Philadelphia this week teaching at Acanthus Workshops. This is Chuck Bender’s woodworking school. (You know Chuck, he wrote the “Carving Spanish Feet” article in [...]

How to Scale Furniture

If you have come to this post looking for an easy, no-hard-work method to scale furniture, I’m afraid you’re going to be disappointed. There is no magic bullet. No simple number that [...]

SawStop Tackles Table Saw Issue #2

SawStop has done it again. First, the company developed and integrated a safety system to keep woodworkers from being maimed by a spinning saw blade. Now the group at SawStop has tackled the [...]

A Day With Milwaukee Tools

Milwaukee Tools invited magazine and newspaper editors to its headquarters in Brookfield, Wis., on June 10 to unveil a number of new tools , 48 during the next 18 months , and a complete new line [...]

How Much Glue Is Enough?

The Classic Huntboard article in Popular Woodworking June 2009  (issue #176) includes traditional and non-traditional construction methods. The traditional methods involve mortise-and-tenon [...]

Why Know Furniture Design

The majority of my furniture-making career has been focused around reproductions. I never studied furniture design per se, but I did gain knowledge by looking at way too many pieces over my days. [...]

New HVLP System

I built a customer-ordered Shaker chest of drawers that I planned to deliver over the holiday weekend. Because this project is a future Popular Woodworking article, I had to get an [...]

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