For an upcoming article, I was researching turpentine when I followed a trail to a Valdosta State University web site. The web site is titled “Faces” in the Piney Woods: Traditions [...]
The keynote speaker for the Woodworking in American Design conference is Thomas Moser of Thos. Moser Cabinetmakers. Most of us were first introduced to Moser as we read his books. In fact, I [...]
Conversation in the Popular Woodworking office this week centered on dust collection, or the lack thereof. It seems that I might be the odd man out due to my reluctance to attach a dust collector [...]
On my bench, always standing at the ready, is an old friend that needs to be coaxed into retirement. My mallet has served me for many years, but I noticed a while back that its age was beginning [...]
Recently the Bosch Power Tools and Accessories division of Robert Bosch Tool Corporation held an event held in Arlington Heights, Ill. Managing Editor Megan Fitzpatrick was in attendance and [...]
If you didn’t get a chance to read my earlier entry about the Unisaw arriving at our shop, click here to do so. Ahhhh! The sweet sound of a table saw running. Come on. Admit it. Some of you [...]
We received our new Delta Unisaw this afternoon. The boxes are unpacked, and I’ve watched some of both Scott Phillips’ and Unisaw Product Manager Michael Boie’s presentations on [...]
I was busy in the shop this past weekend putting the wraps to a blanket chest that’s part of our August 2009 issue. I’m building the chests (that’s plural as in two blanket [...]
It’s always fun and informative when Manufacturers visit us to present new products. Last week Jason Swanson, Director of Communications , Power Tool Division for TTI, was in town to show [...]
Last week I posted an entry about cutting lasagna (read that entry) and mentioned there was no YouTube video worth watching. A few days after the post, I received a note from the President of [...]
In my last Bed Build entry (click here to read), I had finished construction and many of you expressed an interest in how I planned to finish the piece. Around the Popular Woodworking office, [...]