Tool Test: A Better Brad-point Bit

  Tool: Five Star Drill Set Manufacturer: Colt Price: $56 When I grab a brad-point bit to drill a hole, I don’t give much thought to the design of the bit and to the finer intricacies of [...]

Woodworking in America Give-a-ways

Each year at Woodworking in America (WIA) there are prizes awarded in the marketplace. You know we have give-a-ways in the cards this year as well. But this year we upped our game – technically [...]

Newport Tea Table with Alf Sharp

The video shoot of Alf Sharp building a Newport Tea Table continues. The legs are shaping up quit nicely, as you can see in the short video below as Alf discusses the knee carving on the Goddard [...]

Alf Sharp in the Shop

This week we have the pleasure of working with Alf Sharp in the Popular Woodworking Magazine shop. Alf is a woodworker with one foot in period work and the other planted firmly in the realm of [...]

Advertisements in Woodworking Magazines

While building the new American Woodworker Magazine Compilation disk (you can get it as a download, too), I was asked to check the issue PDFs as they came in. I checked every page in all the [...]

A Great Museum Book for Free

Last week while teaching a class at the Connecticut Valley School of Woodworking on building the Connecticut lowboy from the February 2014 issue of Popular Woodworking Magazine (#209) to seven [...]

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