Festool: Inside the Domino

As fellow attendees were exiting the Festool Editors’ Event, I was lucky enough to hang around. I’m glad I did because Steve Bace, Festool’s Training Manager who opened the [...]

Festool’s Kapex: A Different Miter Saw

To read about my first day at the Festool event click here. During the Festool Editor Event at Festool facility in Lebanon, Ind., the most impressive tool shown was the Kapex (pronounced K-Pex). [...]

48 Hours at Festool

Monday afternoon, I left the Popular Woodworking shop early so I could drive to Lebanon, Ind. What’s in Lebanon, Ind.? It’s the new home of ToolTechnic Systems, LLC, the manufacturers [...]

Jigsaw Blades to Circle the Earth

In 1947, an employee of Bosch Power Tools and Accessories invented the Jigsaw by replacing a needle in his wife’s sewing machine with a makeshift saw blade. The rest, as they say, is [...]

Two-year-old clock

Over the Thanksgiving holiday I, as many of you did, had friends in town. My visitor, John, didn’t come in for the food though; he came for woodworking. F&W Publications graciously gave [...]

Videos Finally Online

Thank you for your patience. I should have had the videos for the December 2007 issue and the 21st-Century Shaker Workbench article up and running last week. I am a bit late. You may have read [...]

Building a Block Front Chest

New listings for woodworking schools are being released about now. We, the editors at Popular Woodworking magazine, are making announcements about gigs we have coming in 2008. Here’s my [...]

Fix It or Just Split

Each month I receive newsletters from woodworking clubs and guilds around the country. Some come from groups I’ve spent time with and some arrive from people I’ve met while doing [...]

The Wonders (and Winners) of SketchUp

As of September 30th, LumberJocks’ Virtual Dining Table Challenge came to and end. Did you get in on the challenge? There are a number of great entries from those fluent in SketchUp as well [...]

Wish Her Luck

I’ve taught a number of classes during my woodworking days. Teaching is one area that I thoroughly enjoy each and every time I’m called upon. I’ve found that most woodworkers [...]

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