At every party, the kitchen ends up being the center of activity. So, adding a kitchen island to help focus that activity only makes sense. In this video from our archives, we show you how to [...]
If you do a lot of spray painting and finishing, but don’t have room for a permanent finishing bench, give this turntable a spin. It’s surprisingly sturdy and because it rotates, you can get to [...]
On this week’s episode of the ShopNotes Podcast, John, Phil, and Logan are discussing toolbox lessons, going over some listener and viewer comments, and checking in on some end of the year [...]
It’s the ShopNotes Podcast, everybody! Phil, Logan, and John have a post-Thanksgiving update along with a discussion on strategies for picking up a project where you left off. Find all of [...]
On this week’s episode of the ShopNotes Podcast, Phil and Logan, discuss what’s going on at Woodsmith, ShopNotes, and PopWood, as well as take some listener questions. Find all of the [...]
Handmade gifts are one of the most personal ways to say that you love someone. No matter what their interest, you’re sure to find something they’ll enjoy on this list. Most of these gifts can be [...]
I’ve bandsawn hundreds of puzzle pieces using very small blades. I gave up on the steel guide blocks that came with my saw because when those little blades come in contact with the blocks, they’d [...]
On this week’s episode of the ShopNotes Podcast, Phil, Logan, and John, talk about shop heat, woodworking rituals and more…. This episode of the ShopNotes podcast is brought to you by [...]
Being a first-time lathe buyer is a daunting task. How big of lathe do you really need? How powerful should it be? What features should you be looking at? Thankfully Logan is here to take some of [...]
I make a lot of drawers in my shop and got tired of fiddling with squares and pinch rods to square up the boxes during assembly. I decided to build a squaring frame to make the job go much [...]
After a woodworking course, this student has tools, a chest – and friends. In spring 2016 I took my first woodworking course, an “Introduction to Hand Tool Woodworking.” The class promised to [...]