Small logs from a local downed tree are a great windfall of free lumber for small projects. They’re easy to saw into boards on the band saw once you have established a couple flat reference [...]
Scientific Name: Juglans nigra Other Common Names: Black walnut, American walnut, American black walnut. Growing Regions: Throughout the eastern United States and Canada. Characteristics of Tree: [...]
On this week’s episode of the ShopNotes Podcast, it is Logan, John, and Phil, talking about woodworking seasonality, Spring routines, project/shop updates, and so much more… You can [...]
Kite frames to cabinets: A 50-year journey back to woodworking. Editor’s note: This article originally appeared in the February 2015 issue of Popular Woodworking Magazine. Before mom’s shop [...]
Listener Question — Where does the table saw go? Stephen asks: How can you put a table saw against a wall? There are enough different operations that all sides are required for access. Ripping [...]
Scientific Name: Quercus macrocarpa Other Common Names: Blue oak, Cucharillo, Encino, Mamecillo, Mossy overcup oak, Roble, Scrub oak Growing Regions: Throughout North America. According to Woods [...]
On this week’s episode of the ShopNotes Podcast with Logan, John, and Phil, we’re talking about a shop update from Logan, tools, projects that are going on and more from the PopWood, [...]
On this week’s episode of the ShopNotes Podcast with John and Phil, the topics include: how many woodworking techniques are too many techniques, As the Phil Turns, plus updates from the [...]
On this week’s episode of the ShopNotes Podcast, John, Logan, and Phil are back together to talk about old tools and tools that need a little TLC. Thanks to our sponsor, Titebond Wood [...]
Walk down Main Street in Anysmalltown, U.S.A., and people acknowledge your existence from their porch rockers. They don’t have to say anything, just use their body to move the chair in a [...]
Online extras from the April 2023 #270 issue of Popular Woodworking Magazine. Download: Drop Leaf Table Drawer Instructions Download: Chess Board Full Dimensions …