Quick and Easy Drill Guide

Occasionally I need to drill a hole into the end of a rail or other workpiece using the drill press. I’ve found that a metal shelf bracket makes a handy support, keeping the workpiece square to [...]

What is Sharp?

A Sharpening Handbook: What Every Woodworker Needs to Know About Sharpening If there’s one thing to be said about woodworkers, it’s that we’re old school and prefer to pick up a book (or a [...]

Online Extras October 2024 #280

Locking Miter Joint for Legs You need a special router bit to tackle the locking miter joint, but it’s useful for many projects. The basic idea is to mill one board flat on the router table and [...]

The Tisch Toy Shop

Little things, such as allowing a child to spend time in your shop, can shape their future. I first learned about exploding outhouses when I was about six or seven. Maybe you’ve seen them: little [...]

Router Table Extension Rail

I made some half-overlay frame-and-panel doors recently, installing the panel a bit proud of the rails and stiles on the front, which recessed the panel on the back side. This isn’t an aesthetic [...]

Repurposed, Reimagined

Morgan library pieces get extended shelf life. The call came as monumental calls do – in the middle of hanging upper cabinets. “My name is D—, and I need you to build me two walk-in closets using [...]

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