New Woodshop Nearly Ready

In about three weeks, we’ll be moving into new digs after more than 10 years in our current location. It’s less than a mile away. With the move date fast approaching, the new shop [...]

Total Tool Mastery, Head to Toe

Many of us have a shop-full of tools and some of us are pretty darn good with them. But what could you make if you had just one tool? And what if you had to make a living using that …

Easy Shop-made Ellipse Drawing Jig

Our December 2011 issue of Popular Woodworking Magazine features a gorgeous table project by designer/craftsman Jeff Miller. His Arch Table includes graceful, sweeping curves in the base. To [...]

Steam-powered Sawmill

Last weekend I was lucky enough to wrangle an invitation to Miner’s Annual Saw Day. What’s a “Saw Day?” In this case it’s private backyard mini-festival hosted by [...]

Three Ways to Joint Veneer Edges

To join veneer edges together, they need to be straight and true – just like when gluing up solid lumber. Gaps are not allowed. Granted, veneer edges are not glued in the same way as solid [...]

Sanding Dust: In the Bag or Up Your Nose

During the past couple weeks I’ve taken a close look at a new Bosch sander while writing a review for our  November 2011 issue. It’s a random-orbit sander with two really significant [...]

Easy Curvaceous Edge Joints

Last winter, I was puzzling out a way to make edge joints that are just the opposite of what we normally want – perfectly straight. I wanted free-flowing curves and I wanted to join contrasting [...]

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