After a recent visit to our relative’s home in Cincinnati, I noticed that a lovely centerpiece was decorating the family breakfast table. I did not remember seeing a centerpiece on that table [...]
Even though you can carry this bench in one hand, it has the same desirable features as a full-size bench: A thick top, solid construction, a quick-release vise and dog holes that make it easy to [...]
If you like to rely on a honing guide during sharpening, you will benefit from using an angle setting (or indexing) jig. An indexing jig will allow you to accurately set the right amount of blade [...]
My school’s woodshop is equipped with 14 professional woodworking vises that are being used all the time by students of different age groups. Many of our vises were made by Pony – [...]
In Part 1 of this story I review the Creative Woodburner from Walnut Hollow and today I want to show you how one of my 9th grade students used it to burn a beautiful butterfly on her the wooden [...]
During the last year or so I have been searching for a versatile, dependable, yet affordable wire-tip wood burning kit for my woodworking program. And now after buying and testing such tool I [...]
Before I give my students their sandpaper for the first time, I ask them if they have noticed the depressions in the treads of our school’s stone stairs. Most of them have not, so I continue to [...]
We have about a dozen Jorgensen rapid action vises in our woodworking program which as being used by our students all the time. For the most part, my students try to treat our cast iron and steel [...]
Part of my duties as the woodworking teacher in my school is to lead our Fall Fair parents Workshop. The Fall Fair is a one-day event that takes place a week before Thanksgiving. Our school is [...]
While working on my pegboard cabinet and trying to integrate into it most of my frequently used tools I noticed that one of them, a Woodriver spokeshave, didn’t have a hanging hole. Hanging holes [...]
An accurate combination square is the cornerstone of every layout work. It allows us to measure and mark joinery, and check for flatness and squareness of workpieces, setups and tools. I have a [...]
Read part 1 here and read part 2 here. As the design and construction of the rack was completed (see part one of the story) and after I added the utility magnets and tried to hang the rack using [...]