Explore the 7 B’s of Building Bookcases plus Free Bookcase Plans

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Break the bank? Nope. Get our free bookcase plans – “Bookcase Plan Combo Pack.” This valuable e-book will tell you everything you need to know about building bookcases, including complete plans for 6 styles!
Boxes. Simple bookcase plans are nothing more than a combination of wooden boxes. Learn how to build a solid box, and you’ll be ready to build a bookcase you’ve always wanted.

Every Woodworker Should Have This Essential Guide.

Download the Bookcase Plan Combo Pack PDF here

This free download from Popular Woodworking is your guide to essential cabinet making techniques. We’ve put the most important information about building cabinets into this PDF, to give you the skills you need for all kinds of cabinet projects.

Learn how to build a bookcase with this free download from popularwoodworking.com.

Boxes. Simple bookcase plans are nothing more than a combination of wooden boxes. Learn how to build a solid box, and you’ll be ready to build a bookcase you’ve always wanted.

Basic woodworking. Learning how to build a simple bookcase is a terrific exercise in basic woodworking. Bookcase plans like ours will open your eyes to a world of larger possibilities in home improvement and furniture design. Build your own bookcase this weekend, and start the journey!

building wood bookcases

Biscuits (not the kind you eat). When you get into the details of how to build a bookcase, you’ll discover dozens of joinery options. Our editors simplify those options by focusing on biscuit joinery – a fast and easy way to line up all the boards in your project and get on with the gluing and screwing. You’ll also learn a little about pocket screw joinery in our free bookcase plans.

Built-ins. Built-in bookcase plans are different from stand-alone bookcase plans. You may know how to build a bookcase that sits next to a wall, but do you know how to integrate your bookcase with the wall? We teach you 3 secrets for how to build built-in bookcases: French cleats, fitting strips and scribe stiles.

How to build with bookcase plans.

Better and best. There are plenty of good bookcase plans out there – and most of them are free. But our free bookcase plans are better, and that’s important when you are building something that will last a long time. In fact, we think you’ll find these 6 plans to be the best available.

Bibliophilia – love of books! OK, that’s a big word. But that’s what it all comes down to, right? Once you’re done building a bookcase, you can fill it with all the colorful, entertaining books that have been sitting on your floor. Megan Fitzpatrick, our content director, is a major bibliophile. She wrote one of the bookcase plans in this combo pack, and it’s a beauty!

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Now you too can build bookcases like a pro.

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