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A dive into the world of non-fungible tokens reveals what’s real in the world. It seemed like a simple enough idea at the time: let’s make an NFT. Thirty seconds of google quickly [...]
Advancements in computer technology have finally resulted in all-knowing AI programs. Thanks to this brave new world, we’re finally able to ask the hard-hitting questions woodworking [...]
Greetings Fellow Woodworkers, As we look forward to the new year, I hope this letter finds you, your friends, and families well. The new year can be an exciting time, packed with anticipation for [...]
2021 is coming to a close, and as is the tradition, we look back at the most popular articles we published in the past year. Our reader’s interests were as diverse as ever, branching across [...]
After receiving and unwrapping the bench (read part 1 of the story here) I had to decide whether to finish it or leave it smooth and raw. Benchcrafted provides a very good reference sheet filled [...]
Although I did not grow up in the United States (I came here in my 30s), the American holiday of Thanksgiving was not totally foreign to me. The notion that once a year we collectively reflect on [...]
Welcome to What Really Grinds My Chisels, an occasional feature where the Popular Woodworking editors tackle subjects they feel passionate about. I recently received a press release from a large [...]
Problem Solver: The Milwaukee Electric Chain Saw Editor’s note: This article originally appeared in the May 1981 issue of Pacific Woodworker. This particular model is obviously no longer [...]
As it often happens with my ideas, the moment I start thinking about some type of innovation or another I gravitate to my sketchbook and try to evolve it on paper until I feel certain it has [...]
Things were happening in 1981. Ronald Reagan had just started his first term in office, the Space Shuttle took its maiden voyage, and MTV appeared on the airways for the first time. It was also [...]
Truing and milling twisted or cupped boards whose width is broader than your jointer is always a challenge. And this becomes a true headache if you need to do this fast and efficiently. If you [...]