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All the learning and growing a woodworker does comes through the woodworking projects he or she completes. Whether you’re a woodworking beginner, or a sawdusty shop veteran, we have woodworking plans that will challenge your skills and inspire you to create. From wood shop projects, to jig templates, to furniture plans of all kinds, you’re number one resource for learning woodworking is right here. Get inspired, and get to work on your woodworking dream.
Christopher Schwarz built this lovely and delicate Creole Table for our February 2007 issue (an issue that also includes a nice Greene & Greene side table, Michael Dunbar’s discussion of [...]
Glue & Clamps A dry run is the key to a hassle-free glue-up. By Ian Kirby Everything looked good, until you added glue and clamps. Then the wood began to slip and slide, you scrambled for [...]
Steel Wool Holder I came up with this idea because I often use steel wool, bronze wool, and synthetic-steel wool. I attach the hook part of adhesive-backed, hook-and-loop strips to a piece of [...]
Behind the Stairs Storage In my basement shop every square inch counts! Out of necessity I found a wealth of unused space tucked right under my nose, or should I say feet. That awkward [...]
It’s hard to separate woodworking from history. Most of the skills we need and tools we use come from earlier times when everyday items that are now mostly plastic or cardboard were made of [...]
Raise Panels Safely with Your Router Build three fixtures that will give you more control and protect your fingers. By Tim Johnson SCARY. That’s what most woodworkers think about raising [...]
Roll-Around Shop Cabinet This wooden cavern holds tons of tools, plus it doubles as a bench outrigger. By Ian Kirby For tough and intelligent tool storage, it’s hard to beat a professional [...]
Feature-Filled Router Table Fence This $50 fence can make your router table sing! By George Vondriska You can build this completely tricked-out router table fence in an afternoon for about 50 [...]
Stickley-Style Plate Rack Beautify your bungalow with an American classic. By Garrett Glaser Whether it displays everyday china or an heirloom collection, this handsome plate rack does the job [...]
Some time ago I posted about the Lee Valley Shooting Plane. In that post I used a shop-made shooting board. That will be the subject of today’s lesson…err, blog post. When I made the [...]
Straight-Shooting Drill Jig You may not face this problem often, but when you need to drill a hole nice and straight but the part is too big to fit on the drill press, here’s what to do: [...]
Double-Decker Mini Clamp Here's a great little clamp for those light-duty hobby or craft jobs. Start with two ordinary clothespins, then modify and combine them as shown above. You now have a [...]