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Kevin Ireland

Good things are worth the wait. We’ve spent nearly five months finding the right person to take my spot as publisher and business leader for all things woodworking here at F+W Media. Now, I’m very pleased to let you all know we have Kevin Ireland joining our team. (For those of you who tend toward conspiracy theories, the choice was not an Irish mafia plot to further extend the Hibernian cabal of Shanesy and Fitzpatrick.)

Kevin brings years of experience in both magazine and book publishing. Further, a good dose of that has been in the woodworking field. Heck, before I even started with Popular Woodworking 17 years ago, Kevin had already published Bob Flexner’s “Understanding Wood Finishing” and Nick Engler’s “Workshop Companion” series. And before that he was managing editor in the early days of American Woodworker.

Kevin has been away from woodworking publishing for a number of years, but not away from woodworking. These days, he spends time at the lathe and he has produced some great pieces.

What makes me have lots of confidence in Popular Woodworking Magazine‘s future is that the person following me in this job has a strong background and great appreciation for creating quality editorial products – be they magazines, books, videos, even content for our Woodworking in America conference. Speaking of which, if you are attending this year (and there’s still space left if you haven’t signed up) Kevin will be there so you can get to know him.

I can’t claim I hand-picked Kevin for this job because there were a number of people involved in the selection process for this important position. But given that I’m going to be working for/with this guy, I did everything I could to make sure my successor would be a good fit.

Steve Shanesy

A Few Words from Our New Publisher

Each year around this time I like to sit down and plot out the furniture projects and holiday gifts I want to build over the coming fall and winter months. It’s a good way to transition from a summer filled with simpler construction work outdoors, and I always enjoy the excitement and anticipation I feel as I search through web sites, magazines, books and catalogs for interesting and challenging projects.

This year, there’s an added dimension to my season of planning. In addition to woodworking projects, I’m planning my transition to a new project as Publisher for F+W Media’s woodworking community.

I’m excited to tackle this one on many levels.

First, the job brings me full circle to my years as managing editor of American Woodworker magazine and later as editorial director of Rodale’s successful woodworking and home improvement book program. During that extended time, I enjoyed working with some of top craftspeople in the country – including Marc Adams, Jim Tolpin and Bob Flexner – all of whom are still passing on their wisdom through the pages of Popular Woodworking Magazine and F+W Media books.

I also very much enjoyed interacting with readers like you for reasons any long-time woodworker can understand. Gather a group of us woodworkers together and you’ll quickly see our common bonds. We’re creative, we’re analytical, we share a love for fine wood and beautiful forms, and we’re confident enough to tackle just about anything – with a little bit of expert advice. Who wouldn’t want to spend time with a gang like that?

As I step into this new job, I not only have the good fortune to follow former publisher and editorial director Steve Shanesy, I have the opportunity to draw on his wisdom as he transitions to a new role with the magazine’s editorial team. I intend to absorb as much as I can from Steve and the other editors, designers and professionals who have built an excellent program here before I start looking for creative ways to expand both the products we offer and the way we deliver them to you.

I’d love to hear from you as well. Tell me what you like about PWM, our books, our web site and our electronic products. And tell me where you think we’re coming up short, too.

Your input is essential, for at the end of the day the most satisfying project I can tackle this year is meeting your needs.

–Kevin Ireland
My e-mail will be – and it will be live on Sept. 19. I look forward to hearing from you then.

Product Recommendations

Here are some supplies and tools we find essential in our everyday work around the shop. We may receive a commission from sales referred by our links; however, we have carefully selected these products for their usefulness and quality.

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Showing 7 comments
  • Jim Tolpin

    Kevin! That’s great news….for both you and for the magazine methinks! I look forward to seeing the magazine continue to thrive under your leadership!

  • keithm

    Welcome, Kevin. We’re looking forward to good things.

  • introp


    Is there any chance we could get F+W to stop putting DRM that doesn’t do anything but annoy legal users on their PDFs? They all have the “no copy from” turned on, but that part of the PDF spec is entirely optional. To circumvent it one only has to open it in any open-source PDF reader (Okular, etc.). You’re not preventing piracy, just keeping me from quoting short passages to my relatives in order to convince them to buy a book. (Right now I actively recommend they *not* buy anything published by F+W until this resolved.)

  • Gary Roberts

    åt last! A nice Jewish boy at Popular Woodworking! Welcome Kevin.

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