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Make plans to be in Cincinnati on May 16-17, 2009, for a free woodworking show at our offices here at Popular Woodworking and Woodworking Magazine.

Lie-Nielsen Toolworks’
traveling Hand Tool Event is coming to Cincinnati. There will be free demos, tours of our shop and plenty of time to ask questions about setting up and using hand tools.

In addition to Lie-Nielsen, there are several other toolmakers planning on exhibiting at the show, including:

John Economaki of Bridge City Tools. See the Jointmaker Pro (which we awarded a Best New Tool of 2008 award) in action.

Ron Hock of Hock Tools
. Ron is a long-time bladesmith who is extremely knowledgeable about steels and sharpening. Ask him about his forthcoming book on sharpening tools.

Kevin Drake of Glen-Drake Tool Works. Kevin builds my favorite marking gauge of all time (the Tite-Mark), plus other thoughtful tools, including chisel hammers, plane hammers and the thought-provoking double-handled dovetail saw.

Ron Brese of Brese Planes. Ron makes incredible infill handplanes at down-to-earth prices. If you’re in the market for an infill, he’s should definitely be on your short list.

Bob Zajicek of Czeck Edge Hand Tool
will be showing off his wares. He makes fantastic marking knives, awls and other tools.

Jameel Abraham of Benchcrafted
will be showing his awesome wagon vise, plus I hear he has a new product in the works that is very interesting.

And the entire magazine staff will be there. Senior Editor Glen D. Huey will be demonstrating how to hand cut dovetails (pins-first). Senior Editor Robert W. Lang will be demonstrating how to cut through-mortises. And Managing Editor Megan Fitzpatrick will be reciting bawdy early modern poems on the hour.

I’ll be there, too, showing off drawboring, advanced nailing (yes, it exists), sharpening, sawing, stock preparation and running at the mouth (my best skill).

As a bonus, we’ll have some great workbenches there for you to examine and use. Lie-Nielsen Toolworks is bringing some of its benches. Plus there will be Glen’s Shaker workbench, Bob’s modern workbench and my Roubo. And if Megan gets her act together, you’ll be able to see her new bench that we’re helping design that uses a very unusual material.

Be sure to bring the family. We’re one block from the area’s biggest upscale mall. And Cincinnati has lots of excellent attractions (Megan has written about them here), good watering holes and great restaurants (I’ll follow up with my favorite list in a couple weeks).

You don’t have to register. Just show up. The hours are noon-6 p.m. Saturday and 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday; admission is free. So set your GPS for 4700 E. Galbraith Road, Cincinnati, OH, 45236. Or use this handy Google map to plan your trip. We hope you can make it.

– Christopher Schwarz

Product Recommendations

Here are some supplies and tools we find essential in our everyday work around the shop. We may receive a commission from sales referred by our links; however, we have carefully selected these products for their usefulness and quality.

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  • William Steinmann

    One more, from the Lexington, KY contingent (after all, it’s only a 100 mile or so drive… easy enough when my folks still live in Northern Ky).

    So many tools, so little money…

  • Scott

    Ok, now I don’t think mine is so bad. Someone please help these guys.

  • Bikerdad

    Oh, sure, have it THAT weekend. Coulud you have it two weeks earlier? Nooooo. Have it when I’m going to be 2,000 miles from home, and 30 miles from Cincinatti? Nooooo…

    You, yes, you sir, suck. All them fine tools to play with, and I can’t be there. grrrrr…. .

    Regretably, the Henderson contingent won’t be representin…

  • Joel Runyan

    Here’s a second, representing the Newport constituent.

  • Doug Fulkerson

    I turn 40 on May 15th. Now I know where my mid-life crisis will begin. Will any of the vendors except car titles in exchange for tools????

  • Christopher Schwarz

    OK, that’s one guy!


  • Keith Mealy

    Since I live closer the offices than any of the editors, count me in.

  • Glenn Madsen

    We had a good time at the Oakland, CA version of the event Valentine’s Day weekend, although Mr. Schwartz didn’t come this year.

    The neighborhood there was much more post War, the event held at the Crucible, a center for wood and metal work, and in the neighborhoods of industrial Oakland. Still fun, but not where I’d bring the grandchildren…

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