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On Friday, Jan. 11, we will make an important announcement in our newsletter about our future plans for subscriptions to Woodworking Magazine. And shortly after that, I’ll also post the news here on the blog.
The reason I’m writing to you today is two-fold. First, I’d like to encourage you to sign up for our newsletter so you will be the first to get the news. And second, I’m writing to ask for your assistance. If you know any other woodworkers who would be interested in the kind of woodworking journalism we practice here, I’d appreciate it if you could send them a short note and encourage them to sign up for this free newsletter.
We’ve made this easy to do. You can send a message to up to three people through our Tell a Friend page. Or you can simply direct them to our home page to sign up for this newsletter (the sign-up box is in the top right of the page). They also can download an entire sample issue of the magazine from the home page, which will give them a good taste of what we’re about.
Anything you could do in this regard would be greatly appreciated.
Sorry I can’t say more about the announcement right now. We’re still working out some important details to make sure next week goes smoothly. Thanks to all of you for your letters of support since we started this magazine in 2004. You can rest assured that you have been heard and that your voice has made a difference.
Until next week,
– Christopher Schwarz
editor, Woodworking Magazine
P.S. You can now download Issue #2 free from our home page (look on the right side of our home page where it says “Download a free issue”). Issue No. 2 has one of my favorite projects on the cover: A cherry Shaker side table with delicate proportions.
I’ve probably built four or five of these tables and have sold them all except the one shown on the cover. That table sits beside my bed and holds the books that I pore over at night to help me chart the future issues of this magazine. The table is a fantastic project that I never get tired of building because the joinery is so simple and you don’t need a lot of material.
That issue also has some other fine articles that we’re proud of, including an interesting method of making the joinery for drawers that requires only one table saw set-up. Plus, an article on how to set up and sharpen chisels and how to use brushing lacquer. If you don’t own that issue check it out on our home page.
Here are some supplies and tools we find essential in our everyday work around the shop. We may receive a commission from sales referred by our links; however, we have carefully selected these products for their usefulness and quality.
I’m working on my next e-newsletter that will go out before Friday. I’m going to tell all my readers of the importance of this publication and the benefits they can receive from subscribing.
I sure hope the news this Friday is good news!
-Craig Stevens
I too wish your magazine the best. Chris you are a fantastic writer and your subject matter is very important at this time of the wood working future. Lets band together and get this done. John
Sounds ominous, I hope your mag the best of luck. This workbench book I received is just what I needed. Great practical info.
I would like to make a call to arms as it were for all of us who have benefitted in our woodworking knowledge through this great magazine. We owe it to ourselves, yes but even more importantly we owe it to Chris and the entire staff who puts out this magazine.
Have there ever been a more accessable group of people who answer any and all of the questions thrown at them regardless of the content? I know I’ve been guilty of asking some of the dumbest questions and have always had someone return my email or phone call.
It would be a shame, no a travesty if this publication isn’t allowed to continue, and we can make a differance.
We need to spread the word, it is the very least we can do, and do it we must!
Thank you,
Michael Rogen
Looking forward to a sub of Woodworking, and hope that electronic version can be bundled with the subscription.
Keep up the excellent work, I’ll continue to point people your way.
I’m happy to help spread the word, Chris. Anything to keep the publication going!