Kari owns a graphic design agency in Pennsylvania, which supports her lumber and tool addiction. She started her woodworking journey as a Normite, but influences from classes and mentors directed her toward the path of hand tool use.

An avid woodworking hobbyist for more than 18 years, Kari makes her own handplanes (including the blades), builds furniture (her current love is Pennsylvania German), has taught classes in lettercarving and hand-cut dovetails, and lives to learn all things woodworking including carving in the round, marquetry and inlay. Kari manages the Village Carpenter blog at villagecarpenter.blogspot.com, where she writes about projects, techniques, trips to historic sites and woodworking events, and her two fashion-conscious shop dogs. She also edits our Tricks of the Trade column.

  Visit Kari Hultman’s Village Carpenter Blog
       View the Tricks of the Trade Web Page

Issue Date Title Author
04/1/2010 12:00:00 AM Sunken Treasure Hultman

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