Sole traders have unique and wonderful ideas. If you have and idea turn it into reality .Work for yourself . Dreams do come true.????…

Friday’s Tip for September 13th

Groovy Dowels Have you ever tried gluing a pin made from dowel rod in a blind hole? If so you've probably encountered the nasty air pocket that forms at the bottom of the hole and makes [...]

Q & A: Sawdust in the Garden?

Q & A: Sawdust in the Garden?   Q: I spend as much time tending plants in the garden as making sawdust in my shop.Are there any problems with using the sawdust and chips in my [...]

Friday’s Tip for September 6th

Large Sheet Crosscutting Crosscutting large sheets of plywood on the tablesaw can be difficult, and I usually end up binding the blade, burning the wood, or worse. To get around this, I clamp a [...]

Cut List Dimensions and the Bounding Box

There are several cut list producing tool scripts for SketchUp. The one I have written and made available is called CutList Bridge. It produces a CSV (comma separated values) file that can be [...]

Friday’s Tip for August 30th

Bench Helper I use this simple device when planing the edges of long boards. It's especially useful when the board is too springy to be clamped between a bench dog and a tail vise. I hold the [...]

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