Great Saws from Harvey

  Harvey Tools recently released a new line of shop tools aimed at the hobbyist under the Ambassador name. We got a chance to put both the 14“ bandsaw and the C200-30 table saw to work [...]

Friction-Free Resaw Fence

Re-sawing a board is tricky. Most blades drift, so that you must angle the board to get a straight cut. Standard bandsaw fences can’t be angled to compensate for drift, so many folks use a [...]

Pattern-Cut Finials

Pattern-Cut Finials The traditional way to make a square finial on a bandsaw is to mark and cut the pattern on one side of the blank, then tape the offcut back on to the blank in order to guide [...]

Replacing a Band Saw Tire 

A few weeks ago as I was ripping a board on our Grizzly band saw, I felt a kick and heard a bang, the saw blade slipped out of the track, and pieces of black stuff began snowing down …

Band Saw Pattern Jig

I made this jig for cutting patterns on the band saw. It works especially well on woods where the line is difficult to see, or if your near eyesight is starting to deteriorate. Simply attach the [...]

Air-Tensioned Bandsaw

The bandsaw has always been the prima donna machine in my shop. It requires so much time and attention to make it work right; changing blades, adjusting tension and repositioning guides. It was [...]

Shop-made Bandsaw Fence

Unsatisfactory bandsaw fence? This simple shop-made fence and track system could be the answer. The tracks are formed by gluing up three pieces of hardwood. A slotted fence provides adjustment [...]

Bandsaw Extension Table

Bandsawing long boards without a helper is tricky business. I don’t like roller stands. Most aren’t tall enough for a bandsaw. Also, if your stock butts into the roller instead of [...]

Sliding Bandsaw Fixture

A large bridle joint requires an open-ended mortise that may be too deep to cut with a 10″ tablesaw. I encountered this problem when I used my saw to make bridle joints on an exterior door. [...]

The Powermatic PM1500 Bandsaw

Tool: PM1500 Bandsaw Manufacturer: Powermatic Price: $2999 Nothing beats a powerful bandsaw for milling boards from a log, roughing out massive blanks for turning or carving, or resawing wide [...]

A Holiday Tree From Half a Branch

Part of my duties as the woodworking teacher in my school is to lead our Fall Fair parents Workshop. The Fall Fair is a one-day event that takes place a week before Thanksgiving. Our school is [...]

Making a Cute (Spooky) Ghost [Video]

Pop Wood is getting into the halloween spirit, and what better way to do that than making a halloween decoration? I decided to recreate a wooden ghost my grandpa made more than two decades ago. [...]

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