Federal Furniture

Years ago I discovered Federal furniture and knew that with beautiful veneer, superb inlay and simple carving, this would be my furniture period of choice. Federal furniture has much to offer [...]

Portsmouth Card Table

Restrained elegance in an American classic. Someday in your woodworking career, you’ll want to reach for the sky. Maybe you’ll have an urge to make an ambitious piece of your own design, or [...]

Diamond Divided Lights

These doors are all about the angles – learn to bisect them using geometry and it’s a snap. When I walk into the American decorative arts Gallery at the Peabody Essex Museum in Salem, Mass., I am [...]

Woodworking: Learn Something New Every Day

One the greatest aspects of woodworking is that there are always new things to learn. When I began building furniture, I set my sights on a few complex projects which I figured I could build when [...]

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