Even if your finish won't change color over time, many woods will. Our finishing expert Bob Flexner provides an important reminder using one of his own examples.
Sometime early in your woodworking career you probably learned that you were supposed to sand sharp edges to soften them. What you’re really trying to avoid is “fat edges” when the finish is applied.
Though it’s more work, the advantage of dissolving flakes is to ensure the shellac you use is fresh. The fresher the dissolved shellac, the quicker it hardens and the more water-resistant the [...]
An acquaintance of mine was making a small project out of maple and he wanted it to be black. He asked if dye would do it, or should he use a different wood?
Winter is fast approaching, and it may be that your shop or garage is not warm enough for finishes to dry in a reasonable time. Bob Flexner has the answer.