That’s Not a Holdfast

Christopher Schwarz and Lucy May are pleased to announce the newest addition to their family. Length: 18”. Weight: 9 lbs., 4 oz. Birth date: Feb. 15, 2012. Delivered by: Peter Ross, blacksmith [...]

New Sawmaker Builds Ancient Saws

Anyone who has ever read Joseph Moxon’s “Mechanick Exercises” (1678) has puzzled over his pictures of saws. There are some frame saws, a whipsaw and a fancy handled saw without a back that Moxon, [...]

Stealing Away to the Shop

Wrapping up the last details on a piece I’ve been building for the April issue, I had a nice surprise last weekend: Stealing away a few minutes while my kids took a nap (or a least [...]

Two Cherries Skew Bevel Wood Chisels

Here's a great gift idea for the woodworker who has everything – skew chisels! Two Cherries bevel edge chisels with a skew cutting edge for hand controlled paring and other detailed work. The [...]

Tag Team Secret for Graceful Curves

Even though I build a lot of straight line  Arts & Crafts style furniture, one of my favorite tasks in woodworking is shaping an irregularly curved surface. It adds life and interest and I [...]

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