Stanley Works will unveil a new premium bevel-edge chisel this year that bears some similarities to the company’s vaunted Everlasting line of chisels that were made between 1911 and 1942. [...]
The new Stanley No. 4 smoothing plane. Stanley Works will release five premium-grade handplane models this year that are designed to compete with planes from Veritas and Lie-Nielsen Toolworks, [...]
Veritas has just released its much-awaited Side Rabbet Plane (at a special introductory price) and Veritas was generous enough to permit me to test-drive it here in our workshop. Though I still [...]
My first fillister plane was so pathetic it’s a wonder I’m not the poster boy for DeWalt routers. But then, I don’t look so good in yellow. Mom says I’m a winter. Abut a [...]
Lately I’ve been planing stuff that has been a lot nastier than your typical run-of-the-mill cherry, oak and walnut. First Senior Editor Glen D. Huey tried to torture me by bringing in some [...]
Last week I bought a toothing plane from a Midwestern tool collector. I’ve always wanted one of these tools, and this one is particularly nice. Toothing planes are lot like scraping planes: [...]
Thanks to my job and the freelance work I do for The Fine Tool Journal, I get to see a lot of specialty handplanes that most people see only in the catalogs or in one of the lusty tomes …
As woodworkers dive into handwork, they usually start with a block plane, then the bench planes, the saws and the joinery planes. Joinery planes , such as plow planes, router planes, shoulder [...]
When a young Thomas Lie-Nielsen set out to start making premium handplanes in the early 1980s, he launched his business with an adaptation of the Stanley No. 95 edge-trimming plane. But [...]
The fore plane is a traditional English tool used to get rough boards fairly flat so that you can then make them really flat with a jointer plane and ready to finish with a smoothing plane, [...]
“After many vain attempts at ornamentation …?on my own’ I learned that choice classic designs had been well thought out and established before my birth. It was for me to study them, [...]
Legacy Planeworks officially opened its doors on Tuesday and began selling kits that allow a home woodworker with no metalworking experience to build an English-style shoulder plane with naval [...]