Built to move (and to last), this piece blends classic proportions and clean lines. When the British Empire began taking over the world in the 18th century, one vexing problem at its tropical [...]
Simple in theory, not in the real world. A reader of my blog asked me to explain what polymerized oil is. So here goes. On one level the explanation is incredibly simple and on another it’s [...]
A concise chronicle of furniture hardware styles to help you build it better. One question I am often asked is, “What hardware should I use?” And the answer is usually, “It depends.” What did you [...]
Grab your torch and pitchfork; the hand-tool guy has a table saw. Editor’s note: this article appeared in the November 2016 issue of Popular Woodworking People react with shock and horror [...]
This slender table maximizes minimal space. My family recently left our sprawling farmhouse for a compact ranch. We left our farmhouse-sized stuff too, and now we need new furniture. This little [...]
Many new chisels, especially most premium-quality chisels, have sharp lands (the beveled side edges). Some people wear cotton gloves to protect their hands when using these, but I don’t like the [...]