Zero-clearance throat inserts are a simple upgrade you can make to your table saw. Make your saw safer and achieve better cutting results with less hassle.
One of the favorite parts of being part of the Popular Woodworking team is combing the archives (of Popular Woodworking, American Woodworker, Woodworking and Woodwork) to find projects, plans, [...]
I love January. Crisp weather, holiday obligations over and a sense of a new beginning for a new year. My shop is a bit of a wreck as I’m knee deep in a kitchen remodel AND I decided to [...]
Capture the fleeting beauty of melting icicles by turning a hollow ball and two small spindles into a beautiful Christmas tree ornament. This project requires a fair amount of turning experience. [...]
Plus 9 useful tips for making any large-profile molding. If adding a bar is on your list of home improvements, you know that its large, contoured front rail is an essential element. Commercially [...]
Successful wood bending with heat and water is more art than science. Long ago, some caveman made a curious discovery: Wood becomes pliable when it is both hot and wet, allowing it to be bent to [...]
A few weeks ago, I went down to our basement and was greeted by a large sloppy pile of back issues of Martha Stewart Living. A plastic shelf pin had sheared off, pulling the rest of the flimsy [...]