If you follow my woodworking habits, you are well aware that I enjoy using my routers with pattern bits chucked in the collet. The piece I’m working on for the August issue requires repetitive [...]
Welded Router OK, I admit it. I’m not the best at tool maintenance. The cord on my trusty old router was frayed down to the wires about 8" away from the motor housing, and [...]
Soup Up Your Router Table A Host of Great Accessories By Dave Munkittrick Even if you already own a router table, you’ll want to build these accessories to increase safety expand your [...]
I shorten the time it takes to rout dadoes with a simple jig made from acrylic.A small, 6-in.x 24-in.piece will do.Mark the point where your router base will ride against the [...]
Next-Generation Router Table Make more accurate cuts with a flat, solid-surface top. By John English 9 Key Features 1. Hinged Top. Bit changes are much easier. 2. Pivot Control. Just loosen the [...]
Rigid Routing Sled A routing sled is a great help when coping the ends of rails and stiles. But I had a problem when I built my first sled. The pressure from the toggle clamp caused the [...]
Recently I was routing a decorative edge on a large round tabletop. About halfway around, my router started to vibrate and I noticed (with great dismay) [...]
This simple guide guarantees success whenever you need to make a straight routing pass. It’s perfect for jointing a long edge or routing dadoes and [...]
Trying to keep the wrenches that came with my router in position for tightening or loosening the collet used to drive me crazy. The nuts are so widely spaced [...]
This jig makes it easy to set the bit for routing flutes or dadoes. I simply drop the appropriate depth gauge into the channel, set my router on top and lower the bit [...]