Ultrashear Flat Top Blade Review

Tool: Ultra-Shear Flat-top Blade Buy Now Manufacturer: Woodpeckers MSRP: $149+ Several issues back, I introduced our readers to a new lineup of blades from Woodpeckers. Their Ultra-Shear [...]

Woodpeckers Ultra-Shear Blades Review

Tool: Ultra-Shear Blades Shop Now Manufacturer: Woodpeckers MSRP: $129.99+ Building upon the successful launch of Ultra-Shear router bits, Woodpeckers has released a new line of table saw blades [...]

Dado Blade Showdown – 11 Blades Compared

We set out to compare 11 premium dado blades to help you sort out which might be right for you. Dado blade stacks, comprised of two outer blades and a series of inner chipper blades, may have not [...]

Make Drift a Myth

You can tune up your band saw to resaw veneer without expensive fences or blades. The subject most often written about in woodworking magazines is probably cutting dovetails. In second place – [...]

Microjig BladeClean Review

Tool: BladeClean Shop Now   Manufacturer: Microjig MSRP: $99 Sharp bits and blades are the keys to getting clean cuts and crisp routed profiles. More often than not, what appears to be a [...]

Bandsaw Blade Marking Knife

Old bandsaw blades can easily be recycled into useful marking or carving knives. One blade nets you a slew of small pieces. Use a tin snip to cut off a piece of the blade, grind off the teeth, [...]

Dream Dado Set for Contractors Saws

Tool: Dadonator Jr. – 6″ Stacked Dado Saw Blade Set Buy Now Manufacturer: Infinity Tools MSRP: $209.90 Every woodworker deserves a good dado set, but if you own a portable saw or [...]

Air-Tensioned Bandsaw

The bandsaw has always been the prima donna machine in my shop. It requires so much time and attention to make it work right; changing blades, adjusting tension and repositioning guides. It was [...]

Sweet-Cutting Blade

Tool: Super General T.K. Manufacturer: Infinity Price: $109 Do you avoid changing blades on your tablesaw? Do you feel like your tablesaw doesn’t have enough power? Is your current blade [...]

Krud Kutter

Resin build-up on saw blades makes them less effective. A clean blade runs cooler, doesn’t cause burning on your workpiece, stays sharp longer and cuts more accurately. Cleaning blades is a [...]

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