Coming Soon: A Lie-Nielsen DVD on Sawing

This summer Lie-Nielsen Toolworks will release a DVD on the basic principles of using handsaws and backsaws. During the video, I quote the Bible, cut all sorts of joints and am constantly menaced [...]

Video: Bowsaw Ergonomics with Mike Dunbar

Most American woodworkers struggle with bowsaws. Now before you think that bowsaws are tools for beret-wearing, Gitano-smoking woodworkers who eat espresso and croissants when on a break, think [...]

Eccentric Toolworks Taking Orders Again

Andrew Lunn at Eccentric Toolworks has resumed taking orders for his custom saws. Let the whuppings and hand-wringing commence! Last year Lunn stopped taking new orders so he could concentrate on [...]

My Strategy for Going Deep

When I am deep into a sawcut, you could walk into the shop totally naked, on fire and covered with leprous monkeys, and I probably wouldn’t notice. Accurate sawing is tantric. It’s a [...]

Video: Other Ways to Rip

For me, ripping boards on low sawhorses is a quick trip to a sore back. It’s a balancing act done while bending over and pushing hard. So I’m always on the lookout for ways to do the [...]

Dovetails in Real Time

I’m think I’m a decent dovetailer. My joints are tight and I get things done. Heck, I can even teach dovetailing to others when pressed. So why don’t I post a video of how [...]

Schwarz: 3; Punk 1

“I know what you’re thinking, punk. You’re thinking, ‘Did he fire six shots or only five?’ Now to tell you the truth I forgot myself in all this excitement. But [...]

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