‘Ole Blue Boy’

Apparently, the first thing one needs to do when they join the Popular Woodworking Magazine staff is build a workbench. I’m OK with that, as I’ve never really had an official [...]

It’s Not Just for Bears Anymore

To transform a pile of 6″ x 6″ x 8′ yellow pine beams into 10 workbenches, the first step is a chainsaw. This morning I drove down to Berea, Ky., to help Kelly Mehler and his [...]

Workbenches Book Review

Christopher Schwarz’s new book “Workbenches: from Design & Theory to Construction & Use” isn’t like other books on the subject. And that’s precisely the [...]

An Update on the Roubo Bench

I’m getting about a letter a day from people interested in building (or taking me to task) for the Roubo-style workbench shown in Issue 4. Reader Dan Chaffin, a furniture maker in [...]

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