Sharpen a Plane Blade There are many ways to sharpen plane blades, and woodworkers have strong opinions on the best technique. Here is a simple, reliable method to achieve a sharp edge. It takes [...]
Another video on sharpening? Ugh! No, wait…this one’s kinda different. In fact, this video isn’t about the cutting edge of the chisel. What?! It’s true. “Chisel Sharpening with Harrelson [...]
Some woodworkers would rather stick their hand into a running disposal while naked than turn on a dry grinder. So when they need to correct the skew angle on a skewed plane iron or skewed chisel [...]
A couple weekends ago I did a clumsy thing in front of an audience: I dropped my expensive 5,000-grit waterstone on the floor where it broke into three jagged chunks. Someone in the audience [...]
Almost every system for sharpening tools works just fine, so the differences between the systems come down to speed, expense, portability and mess. In December, Lee Valley Tools started carrying [...]
Sharpening Gouges By Alan Lacer Perhaps no other aspect of lathe work is a bigger stumbling block to new turners than the process of shaping and sharpening the tools. Even new tools often require [...]
My favorite honing guide is the one you can find at almost any woodworking store. The guides are inexpensive and poorly made, but you can easily tune them up to make them work. One of the major [...]
Here's a great gift idea, at a 27 percent savings! Included in the DVD Combo Pack: "The Last Word On Sharpening,""Build an 18th-century Workbench,"" [...]
Here’s a great gift idea, because everyone can get better at sharpening. Grind, Hone & Get Back to Work Learn how to grind straight & curved edges Hone perfect micro-bevels Pick the [...]
In the October and November issues, Adam wrote a two-part article on Sharpening. To go with them, he provided a short piece to tell you just what an oilstone really is. To download the PDF, [...]
Sharpening a spear-point marking knife isn’t difficult, but it sure seems to flummox some woodworkers. The bevels on the knife are small, and if you aren’t used to freehand [...]
Shannon Rogers interviewed me a few weeks ago and in the interview I mentioned my disdain for certain chisel sizes. Specifically, I said that students who come to woodworking classes armed with [...]