Q: My tablesaw screeches like nails on a chalkboard whenever I adjust the blade. WD-40 made the noise go away for a while, but now it’s back. What do I do? A: That sound can drive you crazy! It’s [...]
Tablesaw Tool Drawer It seems like I’m always misplacing my push sticks, blade wrench, featherboards and other small tablesaw accessories.To solve my problem I added a shallow drawer under [...]
Make Quartersawn Picture Frame Stock If you’ve got some spare 8/4 (2-in.) lumber lying around your shop, it’s easy to transform it into stunning quartersawn wood for your picture [...]
The Ultimate Shop-Built Crosscut Sled It's safe, it slides like a dream and replaceable throat plate makes it last forever! By Travis Larson A good tablesaw sled makes perfect crosscuts easy, [...]
Coved Doors on the Tablesaw Make beautiful raised panels without a router table and expensive bits. By George Vondriska The tool of choice for most small-shop woodworkers who want [...]
Tablesaw Tenoning Jig A precision joint-making tool for less than $30. By Frank Gregg A tablesaw tenoning jig is an essential tool for most woodworkers. But commercial units cost $100 and up, and [...]
How Can I Avoid Kickback When Resawing on a Tablesaw? Q: Is there a splitter that can be used for resawing on a tablesaw? Mine is hooked onto the blade guard so it won’t work. A: [...]
Should I Run My Tablesaw on 120 or 240 Volts? Q: My contractor’s saw pops a breaker every once in a while, and that’s driving me crazy. I noticed that its motor can be wired [...]
Double-Duty Roller Tables I like getting double duty out of my tools whenever possible. So, when I decided to build outfeed tables for my miter saw and tablesaw, I worked up this dual-use [...]
Tablesaw Tapering Jig I recently built a pair of garden benches that required several identical parts that were tapered on both sides.To make the job easier, I built this jig that worked for both [...]