10 Everyday Tools

Here’s what one pro always keeps in his toolbox. My favorite tools are the ones that I use every day—around the house, in the shop or at a jobsite. They’ve become old friends. They’re not [...]

Bridge City Foxtail Plane Review

Tool: HP-10 Foxtail Plane Shop Now Manufacturer: Bridge City Tool Works MSRP: $999 Several years back, when it was announced that Bridge City Toolworks had been sold, I will admit that I was [...]

Why You Need a Moisture Meter

It can save you lots of money—and grief! Are you a scrounger? Always looking for a deal? Self-reliant? Those words fit a lot of woodworkers, particularly those who search for unusual or [...]

Work IQ Vise Review

Tool: IQ Vise Shop Now Manufacturer: Work IQ Tools MSRP: $279.99 A picture can be worth a thousand words, but I was recently reminded that it’s no substitute for hands-on experience. When I [...]

Woodpeckers Ultra-Shear Blades Review

Tool: Ultra-Shear Blades Shop Now Manufacturer: Woodpeckers MSRP: $129.99+ Building upon the successful launch of Ultra-Shear router bits, Woodpeckers has released a new line of table saw blades [...]

Dado Blade Showdown – 11 Blades Compared

We set out to compare 11 premium dado blades to help you sort out which might be right for you. Dado blade stacks, comprised of two outer blades and a series of inner chipper blades, may have not [...]

Blue Spruce Mortise Chisel Review

Tool: Mortise Chisels Shop Now Manufacturer: Blue Spruce Toolworks MSRP: $109.99+ Walloping on a chisel to chop a mortise is a big ask. It’s no wonder that the “pig sticker” mortise chisels of [...]

Rockler Pock-It Hole Clamp Review

Tool: Quick-Release Pock-It Hole Clamp Shop Now Manufacturer: Rockler MSRP: $25.99 Pocket hole joints are quick and easy to make. For some applications, such as face frames, they’re perfect. But [...]

Veritas Mortise Chisel Review

Tool: Mortise Chisels Shop Now Manufacturer: Veritas MSRP: $76.50+ The Veritas (Lee Valley) mortise chisels are awesome in every sense of the word. They’re big, heavy and can plow through a [...]

CPM Magnacut Blades Review

Tool: CPM Magnacut Blades Shop Now Manufacturer: Lake Erie Tool Works MSRP: $46.99+ As a hand tool junkie, I look at a few things when deciding if a tool is up to snuff. One of those is the [...]

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