Interviews with Woodworkers You Know

At last year’s Woodworking in America, Members of the Modern Woodworkers Association were running around with audio equipment doing short, off-the-cuff interviews on all things woodworking [...]

The Highland Woodworker visits WIA

If you happened to miss the latest Woodworking in America conferences, be sure the take a look at the new episode of “The Highland Woodworker.” In this episode (#4 of 2012) I spent [...]

Make Your Own Hand tools

I’ve turned hollow mortise chisels into square punches, refashioned chisels and their handles, made a number of scratch stocks, ground steel bar stock into embossing punches and a made a [...]

WIA 2012 After Action Report

Just got home from the Woodworking in America Midwest, the second of two conferences held this fall. Just want to say thanks to all of you who attended and supported these conferences. I really [...]

Hand Tool Olympics at WIA Midwest

OK, here’s your German lesson for the week, and yes, it does have to do with the Hand Tool Olympics at the upcoming Woodworking in America event being held in the greater Cincinnati area [...]

Woodworking in America West Begins

Our first west coast Woodworking in America Conference is off to a great start in Pasadena, Calif. If you’re in the Los Angeles area, you can still join us for the event which runs through [...]

Hand Tool Olympics at WIA West

The always popular Hand Tool Olympics competition will be held in the Marketplace at Woodworking in America West, taking place in Pasadena, California, next weekend, Oct. 12-14 at the convention [...]

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