My Part at Woodworking in America

Now that I’m no longer on the staff of Woodworking in America, I get to do three things: 1) Actually attend some of the really great seminars from people like chairmaker Curtis Buchanan, carver [...]

WIA Registration is Now Open!

Register now for Woodworking in America 2012 and reserve your spot at the early-bird rate – plus get first dibs on the limited-attendance “extracurricular activities,” including [...]

Help Break a 4-Way WIA Tie

We recently sent a survey to our Woodworking in America e-mail list to find out when and in what city Woodworking in America 2012 should take place – early fall was the winner on timing, but the [...]

Gottshall Block Follow Up

At last weekend’s Woodworking in America conference, I talked with several readers about projects I’ve made for the magazine. As expected, I was asked about my workbench and furniture [...]

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