It’s funny how my chainsaw skills have gone through the roof since I started to build lots of workbenches in 1999. Today I cut down a buttload of 6 x 6 x 16’ Douglas Fir beams for a [...]
Day Six of Our 12 Days of Savings Sale! has a 20 percent off coupon for today only. When you are checking out, use the following code: WD12116. Click here to start shopping [...]
Torsion-Box Workbench and Expandable Assembly Table Double your work space without doubling your shop space. By Randy Johnson and Luke Hartle In our shop, we used to pile tools, parts and [...]
Wedged-Base Workbench Tablesaw joinery locks it together. By Tim Johnson This workbench has a top ready for hard use. But it’s the base that catches your eye. The interlocking joinery, with [...]
The first real woodworking project I built in the USA was a pine workbench. The story of this piece began with a discarded metal cabinet I found on Irving street in Cambridge MA. I mention Irving [...]
I have used a bowling alley 7' length made of maple and pine for my bench top. I have it sanded and planed to new wood as level as I can get it. There a few cracks ~1/16" [...]
Solar Kiln Dry Your Own Wood Fast and Hassle-Free By Dave Munkittrick Wood is expensive. And extra-wide or figured wood is practically beyond reach. Over the 25-plus years I’ve been a [...]
The “Nicholson” or “English” bench is a simple workbench, possibly made using 2 by construction lumber, that features a characteristic deep front apron drilled to enable [...]
Sycamore Pantry The best way to match solid wood and veneer is to make the veneer yourself. By John English Sometimes you just fall in love with a special kind of wood. For me, that wood is [...]
One great gathering and five great shows. Members' Show Camosun College Retrospective Show Camosun Student Chair Show Cultural Mosaic Show Cascadia [...]