My Favorite Japanese Pullsaw

It’s funny how my chainsaw skills have gone through the roof since I started to build lots of workbenches in 1999. Today I cut down a buttload of 6 x 6 x 16’ Douglas Fir beams for a [...]

20 Percent Off Coupon

Day Six of Our 12 Days of Savings Sale! has a 20 percent off coupon for today only. When you are checking out, use the following code: WD12116. Click here to start shopping [...]

AW Extra 3/6/14 – Wedged-Base Workbench

Wedged-Base Workbench Tablesaw joinery locks it together. By Tim Johnson This workbench has a top ready for hard use. But it’s the base that catches your eye. The interlocking joinery, with [...]

work bench top finish

I have used a bowling alley 7' length made of maple and pine for my bench top.  I have it sanded and planed to new wood as level as I can get it.  There a few cracks ~1/16" [...]

Solar Kiln

Solar Kiln Dry Your Own Wood Fast and Hassle-Free By Dave Munkittrick Wood is expensive. And extra-wide or figured wood is practically beyond reach. Over the 25-plus years I’ve been a [...]

Nicholson Bench

The “Nicholson” or “English” bench is a simple workbench, possibly made using 2 by construction lumber, that features a characteristic deep front apron drilled to enable [...]

Sycamore Pantry

Sycamore Pantry The best way to match solid wood and veneer is to make the veneer yourself. By John English Sometimes you just fall in love with a special kind of wood. For me, that wood is [...]

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